Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)


SEND Manager:
Mrs J Walton

SEND Assistant:
Miss R Collins

If you have any concerns or enquiries regarding SEND please contact Mrs Walton or Miss Collins on 01422 352856. 


The school aims to ensure that:

  • Pupils with special educational needs will have their needs met.  A cycle of assessment, planning provision and reviewing will be used to ensure that the provision in place is the most appropriate enabling a pupil to make good progress and secure good outcomes.
  • Such pupils will be offered full access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Pupils with special educational needs take a full and active part in the whole life of the school.
  • The views of parents and/or carers are sought and taken into account accordingly.
  • A graduated approach to meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs is followed in accordance with guidance detailed in the SEND Code of Practice for children with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities as set out in the 2014 children & Families Act.
  • Where pupils have a statement of special educational need or EHC Plan arrangements are made to ensure their needs are met in accordance with statutory regulations.

Please read our SEN policy and Local offer for further information.


The information above is written in compliance with section 69(2) of the Children's and Families Act 2014 and regulation 51 and schedule 1 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.