Outcomes for Pupils

2019 National Curriculum tests



Here you will find information about the school's results in the statutory assessments at the end of the academic year in 2018-19.

Statutory Assessments for our school are at the end of Foundation Key Stage (Reception), at the end of Key Stage One (Year 2) and at the end of Key Stage Two (Year 6), as well as the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check,

Staff in all year groups in school have carefully developed systems for assessing pupils’ work and work with other colleagues and schools within the Local Authority to ensure their judgements are accurate. 

You can also find further information on the Gov.uk ‘Compare School and College Performance’ page, by following the link,


(Please note the Government updates this data annually, so at certain times of the year data from a previous academic year, rather than the most recent year, will be shown.)

Information released by the gov about the tests at KS1 and KS2:



 Lee Mount SATs Results (2018-19)

 Lee Mount School Performance (2018-19)