Multicultural Events

Addressing and recognising multicultural issues are an important element of our work here at Lee Mount. We are a school that welcomes and celebrates difference and through our teaching and learning we aim to prepare our children to live in a multicultural society with tolerance and understanding.

Our PSHCE curriculum encourages children to learn about different cultures and we organise numerous opportunities for multi-cultural experiences. Some ways which we have done this recently have been:

Each year we hold two ‘One World’ weeks - one in the Autumn term and one in the Summer term. During these each class studies and celebrates a different country and culture. This is an opportunity for classes to do some cross-curricular work, including geography, art, music, drama, languages, cooking and drama. During One World weeks we welcome visiting artists, dancers and musicians in to school to both perform for us and work with the children in workshops. In July we welcomed a band of musicians from Chile to school.

Developing links with Beech Hill Junior School. We have a very different ethnic mix to Beech Hill and our respective school councillors have presented assemblies in the other school. Beech Hill children have visited to tell us about their Muslim faith and helped out during One world week.

Asian dancing. We have had professional dance tutors in school to teach both traditional and ‘Bollywood’ style dancing, before presenting a performance to parents and other children in school. Through such fun events we believe that cultural barriers can be broken down.