
We are proud of the links that we have established within our local community. We regularly welcome visitors into our school, many of whom deliver assemblies.     

Lee Mount Baptist Church

The minister at Lee Mount Baptist Church who regularly delivers exciting assemblies with a key message. We are privileged to be able to use the Church for whole school events such as our school disco's and 'Evening of Excellence'.

Gordon Barley

The Vicar for St Georges Church in Lee Mount.

We have enjoyed working with Gordon since his arrival not so long ago. Gordon has delivered some assemblies for us, we have performed our nativity production in his church and we recently worked with him and members of his congregation on a community garden project.

Lee Mount Nursing Home

At various times throughout the school year we love to visit the residents at Lee Mount Nursing Home. We share with them poems that we have written, drama performances and activities enjoyed in school.

We are currently working hard to practise Christmas carols to share later this month!

Gala in Shroggs Park

This year we were once again invited to take part in the Party in the Park that was held in Shroggs Park. Within our school tent we had a range of activities and games which, as last year, seemed to draw the biggest crowd! No theme this year (last year concentrated on the Queen's Jubilee celebrations) so we did our own thing. This is a real community event and we're proud to take part and be involved with so many other local organisations. The event was a huge success and we would like to thank everyone who supported us.   

MP Linda RiordanMP Linda Riordan visited our marquee

Elsie Russell

A member of the AOG church who kindly comes into share interactive stories from the Bible. 

Elsie Russell


We are proud of the links that we have established within our local community. We regularly welcome visitors into our school, many of whom deliver assemblies.     

Lee Mount Baptist Church

The minister at Lee Mount Baptist Church who regularly delivers exciting assemblies with a key message. We are privileged to be able to use the Church for whole school events such as our school disco's and 'Evening of Excellence'.

Gordon Barley

The Vicar for St Georges Church in Lee Mount.

We have enjoyed working with Gordon since his arrival not so long ago. Gordon has delivered some assemblies for us, we have performed our nativity production in his church and we recently worked with him and members of his congregation on a community garden project.

Lee Mount Nursing Home

At various times throughout the school year we love to visit the residents at Lee Mount Nursing Home. We share with them poems that we have written, drama performances and activities enjoyed in school.

We are currently working hard to practise Christmas carols to share later this month!

Gala in Shroggs Park

This year we were once again invited to take part in the Party in the Park that was held in Shroggs Park. Within our school tent we had a range of activities and games which, as last year, seemed to draw the biggest crowd! No theme this year (last year concentrated on the Queen's Jubilee celebrations) so we did our own thing. This is a real community event and we're proud to take part and be involved with so many other local organisations. The event was a huge success and we would like to thank everyone who supported us.   

MP Linda RiordanMP Linda Riordan visited our marquee

Elsie Russell

A member of the AOG church who kindly comes into share interactive stories from the Bible. 

Elsie Russell


We are proud of the links that we have established within our local community. We regularly welcome visitors into our school, many of whom deliver assemblies.     

Lee Mount Baptist Church

The minister at Lee Mount Baptist Church who regularly delivers exciting assemblies with a key message. We are privileged to be able to use the Church for whole school events such as our school disco's and 'Evening of Excellence'.

Gordon Barley

The Vicar for St Georges Church in Lee Mount.

We have enjoyed working with Gordon since his arrival not so long ago. Gordon has delivered some assemblies for us, we have performed our nativity production in his church and we recently worked with him and members of his congregation on a community garden project.

Lee Mount Nursing Home

At various times throughout the school year we love to visit the residents at Lee Mount Nursing Home. We share with them poems that we have written, drama performances and activities enjoyed in school.

We are currently working hard to practise Christmas carols to share later this month!

Gala in Shroggs Park

This year we were once again invited to take part in the Party in the Park that was held in Shroggs Park. Within our school tent we had a range of activities and games which, as last year, seemed to draw the biggest crowd! No theme this year (last year concentrated on the Queen's Jubilee celebrations) so we did our own thing. This is a real community event and we're proud to take part and be involved with so many other local organisations. The event was a huge success and we would like to thank everyone who supported us.   

MP Linda RiordanMP Linda Riordan visited our marquee

Elsie Russell

A member of the AOG church who kindly comes into share interactive stories from the Bible. 

Elsie Russell